I'm using grails 4.0.6 and I need to check if a given service's method is in execution with a certain domain object's instance. In this case, the method takes a long time to run and it is called with a parameter (a domain class' instance). If it is called again with the same instance that it is currently in execution with, the call must be aborted. I tried setting a flag in the domain class (and flushed the update) however it is not reflected in the new call. Any hints are appreciated.
If you need to abort the second call, use a Lock. If you just don't want them running concurrently, use a synchronized block.
class MyService {
static def locks = [:]
def someMethod(inputParam) {
def key = "${inputParam.class}${inputParam.id}"
def lock = locks.get(key)
if (!lock) {
lock = new ReentrantLock()
locks.put(key, lock)
if (lock.tryLock()) {
// do your work here
Your service method would pretty much be
synchronized (key) {
// your work
Any of this may need tweaks...I just typed it in here without any testing!