For large 'in' conditions in Postgres the following
IN (VALUES ('a'),('b'),('c'))
can lead to much more efficient query plans than
IN ('a','b','c')
In JOOQ I can express this with
Field f = ...
Row1[] rows = new Row1[array.length];
for (int i=0;i<array.length;i++)
rows[i] = DSL.row(array[i]);
Condition c =;
But what if I need to cast the values? To be more specific, when comparing values with a citext column at least one of the values needs to be explicitly cast to citext for the query to work. Example:
select distinct "x0"."pk"
from "sometable" as "x0"
where "x0"."external_shared_id" in ( values
How can I write this with JOOQ?
There is currently no documented way to create custom data types for usage in casts. You could use internal API at your own risk, which I won't document here. I've created a feature request to create such DataType
An explicit feature request for citext
support is here:
As always, when jOOQ is missing support for vendor specific functionality plain SQL templating is your friend. So, just do this:
rows[i] = row(field("{0}::citext", String.class, val(array[i])));
Assuming the following static import:
import static org.jooq.impl.DSL.*;