Since phonegap is based on local html file it doesn't know about base url of remote server. I wonder what is the best way to set base url for ajax requests using jquery? Could anybody provide link to sample?
Currently i think about using jquery ajax prefilter.
When I dealt with this issue, I just put that information as a data-element on the tag.
<body data-base=""> ...
And then used that in building out the proper URL for a given request:
//If pathOrURL is a relative path (e.g. /users/1), then we return a qualified
// URL, such as
// otherwise, we return the URL as is
var qualifyURL = function(pathOrURL) {
if (!(new RegExp('^(http(s)?[:]//)','i')).test(pathOrURL)) {
return $(document.body).data('base') + pathOrURL;
return pathOrURL;
//Use this helper function when calling $.ajax
url: qualifyURL(url), ... });
This worked great for my experience with Phonegap. Hopefully this helps.