I'm working on the Authentication of my Angular 11 project with AngularFire.
I don't know why but I can't make *ngIf
with the async pipe react to the auth state when refreshing the page.
Here is my code:
export class AuthService {
public isAuth$ = new BehaviorSubject<boolean>(false);
constructor(private angularFireAuth: AngularFireAuth,
public router: Router) {
this.angularFireAuth.onAuthStateChanged((user: any) => {
if (user) {
// On reflesh
// when signed in
console.log('signed in'); //display signed in
console.log('isAuth$:', this.isAuth$.getValue()); //display false
console.log('isAuth$:', this.isAuth$.getValue()); //display true
} else {
console.log('signed out');
// Some Auth functions
Component .ts
export class HeaderComponent implements OnInit {
constructor(public authService: AuthService) {}
public isAuth$ = new BehaviorSubject<boolean>(this.authService.isAuth$.getValue());
ngOnInit(): void {
this.isAuth$ = this.authService.isAuth$;
Component html:
<a *ngIf="!(isAuth$ | async)">Sign in</a>
<a *ngIf="(isAuth$ | async)">Sign out</a>
What is appening is that when i m signed in and refresh. Angular display the Signed Out state until i click on a field or a button...
On refresh from signed in state the console log display:
auth.service.ts:19 signed in
auth.service.ts:20 isAuth$: false
auth.service.ts:22 isAuth$: true
The value change on refresh so i was assuming the async
pipe of *ngIf
should react to those changes and display the good set of button right away. Hopping on your light to understand the issue.
Should be like:
export class HeaderComponent implements OnInit {
constructor(public authService: AuthService) {}
public isAuth$ = this.authService.isAuth$
ngOnInit(): void {
//this.isAuth$ = this.authService.isAuth$; --> remove this
When you use getValue()
on the BehaviorSubject
, it will only get the value for that change detection cycle. You don't need to (actually shouldn't) reassign isAuth$
on ngOnInit
Also html
<a *ngIf="!(isAuth$ | async)">Sign in</a>
<a *ngIf="(isAuth$ | async)">Sign out</a> <!-- missing a $ here -->
You can also group the result like:
<div *ngIf="isAuth$ | async as isAuth>
<a *ngIf="!isAuth">Sign in</a>
<a *ngIf="isAuth">Sign out</a>