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PHP ZipArchive 600 file permission

PHP ZipArchive chmod 600 the problem of access to the file.

A temporary archive is created, with rights 600 (-rw-------) because of which it can not work with it.

Here's what the temporary archive looks like:

Locally, everything is archived and the tempo file I do not even see in the process. When transferring to the server (linux), there is a problem with access to the archive.

Archiving Code Standard.

$zip = new \ZipArchive();
if ($zip->open('upload/', \ZipArchive::CREATE) !== TRUE) {
    throw new \Exception('Cannot create a zip file');
$zip->addFile('upload/file.txt', 'file.txt'); 

When generating other files of the same csv, the file gets 644 permissions and you can safely work with it.

I can’t understand what the problem is, why the archive is created with limited rights, although locally on (windows) everything works without problems.


  • The problem was that the php version is low (5.4) on the server i using. I upgraded php version for 5.6 and problem resolved. Thanks you all.