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Displaying different tags or items based on conditionals in a map function


I have a react application where a user is able to type in a sentence. As the user types, the application will highlight the "negative" words in red. This is all working well. What I would like to do next, is display a tooltip over these words using Bootstrap's tooltip with a recommended alternative word. For simplicity in this question, all I really want to have is the phrase "Try something else?".

To display the words, I simply map the list of words and display them as headers with a conditional to add a class to the className if they are part of the list of negative words.


Where I get stuck is how to display other items (that are not ) such as <OverlayTrigger> when that word is part of the negative list. Essentially my question is how can I efficiently display different items (< h5 >, < OverlayTrigger >, etc...) using conditionals?

Ideally I would like to display a header with specific properties if some condition is met, or display an OverlayTrigger with other specific properties if another condition is met.


import React, {Component} from 'react';
import "react-loader-spinner/dist/loader/css/react-spinner-loader.css";
import "./HomeComponent.css"
import $ from 'jquery';
const Sentiment = require('sentiment')
const sentiment = new Sentiment();

class HomeComponent extends Component {
    constructor(props) {
        this.state = {
            sentence: "",
            sentenceList: [],
            sentiment: {
                score: 0,
                negative: []

    async componentDidMount() {

    async componentDidUpdate() {

    onChange = async (event) => {
        try {
            await this.setState({
                sentenceList:" "),
                sentiment: sentiment.analyze(
        } catch (e) {
            console.log("Error occurred in OnChange")

    render() {
        return (
            <div className={"container"}>
                <h1>Natural Language Processing of a Sentence:</h1>
                <h5> User Input:</h5>
                <div className={"row"}>
                <hr className="rounded"/>
                <h5> Message to Remove Negatives</h5>
                <div className={"row"}>
               => (
                            <h5 className={this.state.sentiment.negative.includes(word) ? "mr-1 negativeWord rounded" : "mr-1"}>

export default HomeComponent;

What I tried:

  1. I tried to add different conditionals like this:

         <div className={"row"}>
        => (
                         this.state.sentiment.negative.includes(word) &&
                         this.state.sentiment.negative.includes(word) &&

This resulted in a failed to compile > Syntax error. I tried a few different ways of writing this, but they all resulted in something similar.

  1. I tried creating a new component in which I would pass {word}, and other items from the state as props, and handle the logic there. I ran into too many issues with updating render to the point that I gave up and went back to the conditionals above.

Any help would be appreciated!! Thanks!


  • You were close. This works:

    <div className={'row'}>
      { => (
          {this.state.sentiment.negative.includes(word) && <h5>{word}</h5>}
          {!this.state.sentiment.negative.includes(word) && <OverlayTrigger>{word}</OverlayTrigger>}

    Or better, the ternary syntax:

    <div className={'row'}>
      { => this.state.sentiment.negative.includes(word) ? <h5>{word}</h5> : <div>{word}</div>)}