I'm writing an integration test for a third party C# library in an F# code base. There are some constraints to this integration test.
I've got the failing test passing, but can't figure out how to write the test with a valid license. The function Initialize
is just a wrapper for the third party library to initialize the library with the license and returns the Result.
type ``Test Local Initialize`` () =
member this.``When loading an invalid INI file`` () =
let actual =
|> Initialize
match actual with
| Ok _ -> Assert.Fail("Should not initialize with an invalid configuration.")
| Error e -> Assert.IsNotNull(e, "Should error with an invalid configuration")
The test I want to write is "given a valid license file, initializing the library should return a Result of OK."
In C#, I would use the .runsettings
to point to a license folder, but I'm pretty new to F# and I'm not really sure how I would add the TestContext
to the test. Since the tests are defined as a type
, I'm guessing they don't hold state or fields.
So my questions are:
in F#?It works much the same as in C#. In your test class, mark a static member with the ClassInitialize
or AssemblyInitialize
attribute and specify a context parameter:
type TestClass () =
static let mutable myValue = ""
static member Setup(context : TestContext) =
myValue <- string context.Properties.["MyValue"]
member this.TestMyValue() =
Assert.AreEqual("xyzzy", myValue)