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Why is "int" convertible to "string"?

This example shows that int type is convertible to string type. But my question is why?

package main

import (

func main() {
    it := reflect.TypeOf(42)
    st := reflect.TypeOf("hello")

    fmt.Printf("%q is convertible to %q: %v\n",
        it, st, it.ConvertibleTo(st))
        // OUTPUT: "int" is convertible to "string": true

    fmt.Printf("%q is convertible to %q: %v\n",
        st, it, st.ConvertibleTo(it))
        // OUTPUT: "string" is convertible to "int": false

Correct me if I'm wrong. But Shouldn't this be false as well?



  • Why is “int” convertible to “string”?

    Because the language spec1 says so:

    Converting a signed or unsigned integer value to a string type yields a string containing the UTF-8 representation of the integer.

    1: Conversions, section "Conversions to and from a string type"