- i'm doing some web development with python's anvil-app-server https://pypi.org/project/anvil-app-server/
- i would like to use the debugger because it is a powerful/useful tool on the server side python code
- i generated a hello-world application named ServerSidePdb
- i put
and ipdb
into the server side callback for the helloworld generated application and got a console output that looks like an error:
Calling function 'say_hello_name' for app 'ServerSidePdb' (ID client-q5jGe8vXpy/ATVXEjmwQAw==)
[DEBUG anvil.app-server.run] [SERVER] > /home/trevor/workspace/anvil/MyApp/ServerModule1.py(13)say_hello_name()
Worker terminated for IDs set() (return code -9)
[DEBUG anvil.app-server.run] [SERVER] (Pdb)
[ERROR anvil.app-server.run] Error report from client code:
AnvilWrappedError: [unexpected error]
can you run the python debuggor pdb or ipdb on the server side code? if yes, how?