I wanna to redirect my website to the home /
if the is no query param is defined. I am building a search website with nextjs is which /
is the home and /search
is the search page. I am passing the query term in the URL as /search?query=myterm
. when a user tries to access the /search
without the query
I wanna to redirect the user the home /
. But how can I do that?
Make use of the redirects mechanism: https://nextjs.org/docs/api-reference/next.config.js/redirects
You can read the value of query params like this:
module.exports = {
async redirects() {
source: '/specific/:path*',
has: [
type: 'query',
key: 'page',
value: 'home',
permanent: false,
destination: '/:path*/:page',