So the following snippet should either make the prompt in a simple shell program 'my257sh'>, or ''> if -p is used as a command line arg when launching, followed by a string to be used as the custom prompt.
The custom prompt works fine, but I get a seg fault when launching with no additional args.
Can someone tell me what incredibly simple and stupid thing I'm doing wrong?
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
char cmdline[MAXLINE]; /* Command line */
char def_prompt[20] = "my257sh";
const char prompt_check[2] = "-p";
char new_prompt[20];
if (argc > 0){
if (strstr(argv[1], prompt_check)) {
strcpy(new_prompt, argv[2]);
else {
strcpy(new_prompt, def_prompt);
signal(SIGINT, sigIntHandler); // ignores ctrl + C interrupt
while (1) {
/* Read */
printf("%s> ",new_prompt);
contains the number of arguments passed on the shell, including the command itself, so argc
will always be > 0
as it is at least 1
if no parameters were given.
If you don't pass any arguments, then argv[1]
will contain a NULL
pointer. If you pass only one parameter then argv[2]
is a NULL
if (argc > 2)
if (strstr(argv[1], prompt_check))
strcpy(new_prompt, argv[2]);
strcpy(new_prompt, def_prompt);