How do I add multiple tinyDB (document based database) databases together without getting a AssertionError
I'm trying to add in this example 12 tinyDB databases together.
Every numbered file looks likes this:
"_default": {
"1": {
"Strategy": "MAShift",
"Symbol": "AAVE/USD",
"Timeframes": [
"Parameters": {
"atr": 14,
"sma": 5,
"longLine": 3,
"shortLine": 5,
"slMultipier": 12,
"leverage": 1
"Start": "2020-10-13 12:00:00",
"End": "2021-04-26 11:30:00",
"Duration (days)": 194,
"Equity Start [$]": 10000,
"Equity Final [$]": 90470.5732,
"Return [%]": 804.71,
"Max. Drawdown [%]": -28.1,
"Win rate [%]": 69.12,
"Total trades": 570,
"Avg. trade [%]": 0.43,
"Avg. winning trade [%]": 1.88,
"Avg. losing trade [%]": -2.81
}, ...
My code:
from tinydb import TinyDB
resultsTotalDb = TinyDB(f'db/backtestingResultsTotal.json')
for i in range(12):
resultsDb = TinyDB(f'db/backtestingResults{i}.json')
for result in resultsDb.all():
AssertionError: doc_id 1 already exists
You can recompute a new document ID based on the database counter:
from tinydb import TinyDB
from tinydb.table import Document
# ...
for i in range(12):
resultsDb = TinyDB(f"db/backtestingResults{i}.json")
for result in resultsDb.all():
new_id = i * 100000000 + result.doc_id
resultsTotalDb.insert(Document(result, doc_id=new_id))