I have a tweets_controller
#called when user submits twitter form
def message
unless current_user
session[:twitter_message] = params[:twitter_message] #sets the message from the form so it's available for send_tweet in tweet.rb after we pass through omniauth
redirect_to '/auth/twitter' #redirects to authorize via omniauth/twitter and create the user
@auth = Authorization.find_by_user_id(current_user)
Tweet.update_status(@auth, params[:twitter_message])
redirect_to edit_user_path(current_user), :notice => "Tweet sent."
I'm trying to rescue when the status update fails. I want to display a flash message to the user, but -- this is as far as I can seem to get:
def self.update_status(auth, msg)
@token = auth.token
@secret = auth.secret
@message = msg
@t = Twitter::Client.new
Twitter.configure do |config|
config.consumer_key = '[key]'
config.consumer_secret = '[secret]'
config.oauth_token = @token
config.oauth_token_secret = @secret
config.gateway = '[gateway_url]'
ret = @t.update(@message)
tweet ||= Tweet.create_from_response(ret, auth.id)
rescue Twitter::Error => e
logger.error "#{e.message}."
How do I get the error message so I can display it to my user through the controller?
You can create and throw a custom exception based on the application.
In app/lib/could_not_update_status_error.rb
class CouldNotUpdateStatusError < StandardError
Then in your model:
rescue Twitter::Error => e
logger.error "#{e.message}."
raise CouldNotUpdateStatusError.new("Could not update status")
And in your controller
@auth = Authorization.find_by_user_id(current_user)
Tweet.update_status(@auth, params[:twitter_message])
redirect_to edit_user_path(current_user), notice: "Tweet sent."
rescue CoundNotUpdateStatusError => e
# Do error stuff
Another option would be to do rescue return false in your Twitter::Error clause and wrap the update_status call in an if statement, however Exceptions are a more robust solution.