Search code examples

Is the "fr-DZ" label ( that we put on the hreflang ) correct for SEO?

Is this code recognizable by google by Google? I mean, is the "DZ" code correct for SEO? I searched about this subject, but any precise answer.

<link rel="alternate" hreflang="fr-DZ" href=""/>

I'm using wpml for translation, and support told me that is not sur that "fr-DZ" are correct for SEO directive.

Any idea about this subject, which can help me? This code is very important for me, to target my audience.


  • In the guide Tell Google about localized versions of your page --> Supported language/region codes, Google says:

    The value of the hreflang attribute identifies the language (in ISO 639-1 format) and optionally a region (in ISO 3166-1 Alpha 2 format) of an alternate URL. (The language need not be related to the region.) For example:

    • de: German language content, independent of region
    • en-GB: English language content, for GB users
    • de-ES: German language content, for users in Spain

    DZ is the entry for Algeria in ISO 3166. Therefore, your markup is correct for French for Algeria.