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Can getline() be used multiple times within a loop? - Cython, file reading

I want to read a file, 4 lines by 4 (it's a fastq file, with DNA sequences).
When I read the file one line by one or two by two, there's no issues, but when I read 3 or 4 lines at once, my code crashes (kernel appeared to have died on jupyter notebook). (Uncommenting the last part, or any 3 out of the 4 getline().
I tried with a double array of char (char**) to store the lines, with the same issue.

Any idea what can be the cause ?

Using Python 3.7.3, Cython 0.29, all other libraries updated. File being read is about 1.3GB, machine has 8GB, ubuntu 16.04. Code adapted from

from libc.stdio cimport FILE, fopen, fclose, getline
def fastq_reader(early_stop=10):
    cdef const char* fname = b'/path/to/file'
    cdef FILE* cfile
    cfile = fopen(fname, "rb")

        char * line_0 = NULL
        char * line_1 = NULL
        char * line_2 = NULL
        char * line_3 = NULL
        size_t seed = 0
        ssize_t length_line
        unsigned long long line_nb = 0

    while True:
        length_line = getline(&line_0, &seed, cfile)
        if length_line < 0: break
        length_line = getline(&line_1, &seed, cfile)
        if length_line < 0: break
#         length_line = getline(&line_2, &seed, cfile)
#         if length_line < 0: break
#         length_line = getline(&line_3, &seed, cfile)
#         if length_line < 0: break

        line_nb += 4
        if line_nb > early_stop:

    return line_nb



  • The underlying problem was my misunderstanding of getline() getline() c reference

    To store lines in different variables, an associated n is necessary for each line pointer *lineptr.

    If *lineptr is set to NULL and *n is set 0 before the call, then getline() will allocate a buffer for storing the line.

    Alternatively, before calling getline(), *lineptr can contain a pointer to a malloc(3)-allocated buffer *n bytes in size. If the buffer is not large enough to hold the line, getline() resizes it with realloc(3), updating *lineptr and *n as necessary.

    The n (or seed in my code) will hold the size of the buffer allocated for the pointer, where getline() puts the incoming line. As I set the same buffer variable for different pointers, getline was given the wrong information of the size of the char* line_xxx.

    As fastq files are usually in this shape:


    There was no error for one or two getline() with the same buffer length, as the buffer was too small and getline sized-up the pointers.
    But when using 3 or 4 getlines(), the call to length_line = getline(&line_2, &seed, cfile) was asked to store a char* of length 2 ('+\n'), while getting (the wrong information) that the pointer line_2 was already big enough (size of line_1).

    So the (simple) solution is

    from libc.stdio cimport FILE, fopen, fclose, getline
    def fastq_reader(early_stop=10):
        cdef const char* fname = b'/path/to/file'
        cdef FILE* cfile
        cfile = fopen(fname, "rb")
            char * line_0 = NULL
            char * line_1 = NULL
            char * line_2 = NULL
            char * line_3 = NULL
            # One variable for each line pointer
            size_t n_0 = 0
            size_t n_1 = 0
            size_t n_2 = 0
            size_t n_3 = 0
            ssize_t length_line
            unsigned long long line_nb = 0
        while True:
            # Reading the same file (same cfile), but line_x and n_x by pairs)
            length_line = getline(&line_0, &n_0, cfile)  
            if length_line < 0: break
            length_line = getline(&line_1, &n_1, cfile)
            if length_line < 0: break
            length_line = getline(&line_2, &n_2, cfile)
            if length_line < 0: break
            length_line = getline(&line_3, &n_3, cfile)
            if length_line < 0: break
            line_nb += 4
            if line_nb > early_stop:
        return line_nb

    Thanks for pointing out my mistake.