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Can a data frame be made to accept alists as rows?



Suppose that I want to construct a data frame where the unevaluated expressions in items are one column and their evaluated versions are in another. In other words, I want something like:

items           results
2^1                   1
2^2                   4
2^3                   8
2^3                   8

as my outputs. I would use the row.names argument, but it rejects duplicated names and cannot be convinced otherwise.

The natural thing to try is


but the outputs appears to treat each element of the alist as if it were a column name:

> data.frame(items=items,results=outs)
  items.2.1 items.2.2 items.2.3 items.2.3.1 results
1         2         4         8           8       2
2         2         4         8           8       4
3         2         4         8           8       8
4         2         4         8           8       8

lapply does not fair any better:

> outs<-lapply(items,eval)
> data.frame(items=items,results=outs)
  items.2.1 items.2.2 items.2.3 items.2.3.1 results.2 results.4 results.8 results.8.1
1         2         4         8           8         2         4         8           8

I am aware that I could use a matrix instead of a data frame, but that is not what I'm asking about.


  • @nicola's suggestion in the comment almost works, but doesn't display properly:

    > data.frame(items=I(items),results=vapply(items,eval,1))
        items results
    1 ^, 2, 1       2
    2 ^, 2, 2       4
    3 ^, 2, 3       8
    4 ^, 2, 3       8

    If you don't care about the display, I'd use that. If you want it to display nicely, you need to convert the language objects to expression objects, e.g.

    eitems <- lapply(items, as.expression)
    > data.frame(items=I(eitems),results=vapply(items,eval,1))
      items results
    1   2^1       2
    2   2^2       4
    3   2^3       8
    4   2^3       8

    or just deparse them to character values if you don't want to be able to evaluate them again:

    ditems <- sapply(items, deparse)
    > data.frame(items = ditems, results=vapply(items,eval,1))
      items results
    1   2^1       2
    2   2^2       4
    3   2^3       8
    4   2^3       8