I have a perl routine, that makes a hash out of a .csv-file. The values should be checked in a subroutine.
So I have a hash %my_values
and call the subroutine check (\%my_values)
sub read_csv {
# key: headline entry
# value: the value in the current row
my ($has_error, $err_msg) = check (\%my_hash);
sub check {
my($hash_ref) = @_;
%my_hash = %$hash_ref;
# Get the artikel number of the article
$my_hash {'article_number'} = get_artnr($my_hash {'article'});
if (not $my_hash{'article_number'}) {
return 1, "Article $my_hash{'article'} not found!";
# check price (I'm in germany, there must be a conversation from ',' to '.')
$my_hash {'price'} =~ s/,/./;
if (not $my_hash{'price'} =~ m/^\d+(\.\d+)?$/) {
return 1, "Invalid format of price";
return 0, "";
At first, this seems to work fine. But then i recognized, that neither the priceformat changed nor the key article_number
is avalable.
Working directly on the reference made it:
# In this case, it works!
sub check {
my($hash_ref) = @_;
# Get the artikel number of the article
$hash_ref->{'article_number'} = get_artnr($hash_ref->{'article'});
if (not $hash_ref->{'article_number'}) {
return 1, "Article $hash_ref->{'article'} not found!";
# check price (I'm in germany, there must be a conversation from ',' to '.')
$hash_ref->{'price'} =~ s/,/./;
if (not $hash_ref->{'price'} =~ m/^\d+(\.\d+)?$/) {
return 1, "Invalid format of price";
return 0, "";
So i think %my_hash = %$hash_ref;
makes a copy of the reference instead of dereferencing.
How can I dereference a hash in a subroutine an work on it like in the calling routine?
Here is an example using the new feature called refaliasing introduced in Perl 5.22 (optionally combined with the declared_refs feature introduced in 5.26)
use v5.26;
use warnings; # IMPORTANT: this line must come before "use experimental"
use strict;
use feature qw(say);
use experimental qw(declared_refs refaliasing);
{ # <-- introduce scope to avoid leaking lexical variables into subs below
my %hash = (a=>1, b=>2);
say "Value of 'a' key is now: ", $hash{a};
sub check {
my (\%hash) = @_;
$hash{a} = 3;
Value of 'a' key is now: 3
Alternatively you can use the arrow operator:
sub check {
my ($hash) = @_;
$hash->{a} = 3;