I'm working on exporting data frames to Excel using dataframe join.
However, after Join dataframe, when calculating subtotal using groupby, the figure below is executed.
There's a "Subtotal" word in the index column.
Is there any way to move it into the code column and sort the indexes?
here codes :
def subtotal(df__, str):
container = []
for key, group in df__.groupby(['key']):
group.loc['subtotal'] = group[['quantity', 'quantity2', 'quantity3']].sum()
df_subtotal = pd.concat(container)
df_subtotal.loc['GrandTotal'] = df__[['quantity', 'quantity2', 'quantity3']].sum()
return (df_subtotal.to_excel(writer, sheet_name=str))
Use np.where()
to fill NaN in code
column with value in df.index
. Then assign a new index array to df.index
import numpy as np
df['code'] = np.where(df['code'].isna(), df.index, df['code'])
df.index = np.arange(1, len(df) + 1)
code key product quntity1 quntity2 quntity3
1 cs01767 a apple-a 10 0 10.0
2 Subtotal NaN NaN 10 0 10.0
3 cs0000 b bannana-a 50 10 40.0
4 cs0000 b bannana-b 0 0 0.0
5 cs0000 b bannana-c 0 0 0.0
6 cs0000 b bannana-d 80 20 60.0
7 cs0000 b bannana-e 0 0 0.0
8 cs01048 b bannana-f 0 0 NaN
9 cs01048 b bannana-g 0 0 0.0
10 Subtotal NaN NaN 130 30 100.0
11 cs99999 c melon-a 50 10 40.0
12 cs99999 c melon-b 20 20 0.0
13 cs01188 c melon-c 10 0 10.0
14 Subtotal NaN NaN 80 30 50.0
15 GrandTotal NaN NaN 220 60 160.0