I really only want to be able to add a link to the commit whenever a bug number is used in the commit message. Being able to close bugs and so on would be a plus, but really beyond my needs.
We generally prepend the bug number in the form of xxxx on the commit message.
My current plan was to use the email_in.pl script that ships with Bugzilla and an email post-commit hook on github. The email hook sends a payload with the details of each commit. I could parse that re-direct it to the email_in.pl script. Is this the best approach? Has nobody done this yet?
Any help/tips/links would be appreciated.
Since I had email_in.pl already set up, I decided to write a little script that would parse the URL post-receive hook's payload and send it in as an email to bugzilla. So a post-receive hook will hit a URL that does the following:
$payload = json_decode($_REQUEST['payload']);
if ($payload) {
// assumes you want to process all commits (we only commit to the master branch)
// but you may want to add some other conditionals above.
$commits = $payload->commits;
// there may be many commits per payload
foreach ($commits as $commit) {
$message = $commit->message;
preg_match('/^(\*(\d+)\*)(.*)/i', $message, $matches);
// The commit message must match the above regex
// i.e. *1234* commit message
if ( !(is_array($matches) && count($matches) == 4) )
$bugNumber = $matches[2];
$comment = trim($matches[3]);
$url = $commit->url;
// get the author info
$author = $commit->author;
$authorName = $author->name;
// assumes github email address exists in bugzilla.
$authorEmail = $author->email;
// construct the email
$subject = "[Bug $bugNumber]";
$body = "$comment\n$url";
$header = "From: $authorName <$authorEmail>";
// $bugzillaEmail = 'your@bugzilla.email
mail($bugzillaEmail, $subject, $body, $header);