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Returning values from multiprocessing Pool function

I want to run a loop in parallel using pool and store each result from a return of a function into an index of numpy array. I have written a basic function here, real one is a bit complex. Even in this basic one I am not getting desired output. By printing results at the end I am getting 100 different arrays of 100 values instead of one array of 100 values. How do I solve this or is there a better way to store return values. Because I have to take a mean and std of rejects after pool.

from multiprocessing import Pool
import numpy as np
rejects = np.zeros(100)

def func(i):
    print("this is:",i)
    # print (rejects)
    return rejects

def main():

    l = [*range(1,100, 1)]
    pool = Pool(3), l)
    print (results)
if __name__ == '__main__':


  • Because you are giving an array argument to func and also assigning that array as a single element in the array rejects. you can use the func below:

    def func(i):
        print("this is:",i)
        rejects=i # this is where I have changed
        # print (rejects)
        return rejects