I use a theme which has a MegaMenu implemented. Everything is fine, but my root categories are more items than the creator of the theme used, so I need to scroll (otherwise the theme will be damaged)
So I added a left scrollbar by adding direction: rtl;
and an overflow-y: visible;
But now all child elements are hidden, behind the right vertical border of the dark-grey box.
Thank you very much in advance!
Basic HTML structure
<div class="__body">
<div class="__links-wrapper" style="height: 410.017px;">
<ul class="__links">
<li class="__item ">
<a href="">Baby & Kleinkind</a>
<div class="__megamenu __megamenu--xl">
<div class="megamenu megamenu--department">
<div class="row">
<div class="col-4">
<ul class="megamenu__links megamenu__links--level--0">
<li class="megamenu__item megamenu__item--with-submenu">
<a href="">Baby Badebedarf</a>
<ul class="megamenu__links megamenu__links--level--1">
<li class="megamenu__item"><a href="">Babybadewannen</a></li>
<li class="megamenu__item"><a href="">Shampoo-Schutzschilder</a></li>
I got it working by adding this CSS:
The order is from outside to inside:
.departments {
position: relative;
.departments__body {
top: 0;
position: absolute;
.departments--opened .departments__links-wrapper {
overflow-y: scroll;
direction: rtl;
.departments__links {
position: static;
.departments__megamenu {
position: absolute;
top: 0;
height: 100%;
visibility: hidden;
direction: ltr;
.megamenu .megamenu megamenu--department {
direction: ltr;