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Getting error while installing Acquia CLI

I run this 4 commands -

Downloading the latest version of Acquia CLI.

curl -OL

chmod +x acli.phar

mv acli.phar /usr/local/bin/acli

And after completing this if I am trying to run acli in my ubantu terminal I am getting error -

***Box Requirements Checker

Using PHP 7.4.3 PHP is using the following php.ini file: /etc/php/7.4/cli/php.ini Checking Box requirements: .....E [ERROR] Your system is not ready to run the application. Fix the following mandatory requirements: =========================================

  • The package "zumba/amplitude-php" requires the extension "curl". Enable it or install a polyfill.***


  • Basically we have to install the extension and command is -

    apt install php7.4-curl