Here is the code for a random walk I made which I attempted to constrain where -5 < y < 5:
import random
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import math
import decimal
def dirs(x):
return np.array( [math.cos(x), math.sin(x)] )
def constrainedRandomWalk(x):
numSteps = x
locations = np.zeros( (numSteps, 2) )
for i in range(1, numSteps):
r = random.randrange(628318)/100000
move = dirs(r)
locations[i] = locations[i-1] + move
if -5<locations[i][1]<5:
#return locations
plt.plot( locations[:,0], locations[:,1], alpha=0.7 );
I attempted to constrain the "walking character" by setting a condition on the loop that
if -5<locations[i][1]<5:
However, as you can see here, the character leaves the -5<y<5 region:
Can anyone let me know how to actually constrain the random walk and why this method doesn't work? Thank you!
You're updating locations
before you test if the move is valid:
import math
import random
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
def dirs(x):
return np.array([math.cos(x), math.sin(x)])
def constrained_random_walk(num_steps):
# Specify Start Point
locations = [np.array([0, 0])]
# Go Until locations is long enough
while len(locations) < num_steps:
r = random.randrange(628318) / 100000
move = dirs(r)
# Test if the new move is in bounds first
new_location = locations[-1] + move
if -5 < new_location[1] < 5:
locations = np.array(locations)
plt.figure(figsize=(8, 8))
plt.plot(locations[:, 0], locations[:, 1], alpha=0.7)
plt.xlim([-20, 20])
plt.ylim([-20, 20])
Sample Output on:
Edit: Updated so all skipped values are not (0,0) but every value in locations
is populated by a generated move. Except for the first, which is specified as the start point. (Currently (0,0))