I want to remove my own instagram followers without blocking them, using python.
I have seen many, many, many, many instagram python libraries online that allow you to stop or start following a person, but that is not what I'm looking for; I don't want to remove who I am following or start following someone, I want to remove people who are following me.
I looked into the official documentation of Instagram's HTTP API trying to make my own solution, but I couldn't find the documentation of this action under any endpoint ( I assume it should be under /friends/
I vaguely remember some library that used to do this, but I cannot find it. Does anyone know of a good way to achieve this, preferably via passing an inclusion/exclusion list for the followers I want to have as a result?
I found a solution in an old library that does something similar. You can't directly remove followers through most tools, but if you block and then unblock a user, the effect you want is achieved. Example code:
# https://instagram-private-api.readthedocs.io/en/latest/_modules/instagram_private_api/endpoints/friendships.html
import instagramPrivateApi
# ...
# Implement a Client class that inherits FriendshipMixin
api = new Client()