I've been making this program that takes a list and finds unique elements in it and stores it in another list or register
the code below takes the main list into SI register and then BX acts as a pointer that walks through the whole array to find the similarities...if no similarities found the element in SI(which is stored in AL) gets stored in DI.. to avoid the first similarity that may occur when BX gets to the exact same location of it's value I set up a flag for that.
uniqueElement macro list1 list2
local loop1,comparasionLabel,checkFlag,trigger,nextElement,addElement,endAddition
lea si,list1
lea di,list2
mov ah,00H
mov cx,00H ;this is an intial flag gets triggered when an initial similarity is spotted
lea bx,list1 ; this will be the search loop which will compare each of it's elements to SI
mov al,BYTE PTR[SI]
cmp al,'$' ; since I'm using a '$' terminated string
je endAddition
mov dl,BYTE PTR[BX]
cmp dl,'$'
je addElement
cmp al,dl
je checkFlag
inc bx
jmp comparasionLabel
cmp cx,00H ; this is when a first similarity is spotted, the flag gets triggered here
je trigger
cmp cx,01H ; or if it was already triggered and another similarity spotted, SI moves to next element
je nextElement
mov cx,01H
inc bx
jmp comparasionLabel
inc si
jmp loop1
mov ah,00h
mov BYTE PTR [di],al
inc di
inc si
jmp loop1
inc di
mov ah,00H
mov al,'$'
mov BYTE PTR[di],al
this is just the code that'll execute the macro
.model small
list1 db 'H3llo$'
list2 db 50 DUP [?]
mov ax,@data
mov ds,ax
uniqueElement list1 list2
mov ah,09H
mov dx,offset di
int 21h
and I have no Idea why it keeps printing the same list without removing the unique items
and I have no Idea why it keeps printing the same list without removing the unique items
mov ah,09H mov dx,offset di int 21h
The error is in the printing. The instruction mov dx,offset di
is not correct! I would not be surprised if it would make MASM load the DX
register will zero, and because the source text is at offset address zero, the outcome would be:
The correct code is the following:
mov dx, offset list2
mov ah, 09h
int 21h
The rest of the code is correct except for an extraneous inc di
that introduces one garbage character in the output string right before the terminating "$".
Below is my rewrite of your algorithm, removing a lot of redundancies.
I have taken an alternative approach because rather than flagging similarities, I count matches. Each unique character will produce a single match, and so a character is added to the output buffer only if the counter has CX=1
lea si, list1
lea di, list2
mov al, [si]
cmp al, '$'
je endAddition
xor cx, cx ; Counts matches, will become at least 1
lea bx, list1
inc bx
mov dl, [bx-1]
cmp dl, '$'
je maybeAddElement
cmp al, dl
jne loop2
inc cx
jmp loop2
cmp cx, 1
jne nextElement
mov [di], al
inc di
inc si
jmp loop1
mov [di], al ; AL='$'