I have, for example, this one liner:
get-process | select id, processname | %{$_.processname +"="+ $_.id} | ConvertFrom-StringData
which returns a key and value pair of each process and its id.
My goal is to remove any processes with duplicated name and leaving only one of them (for example, I want to be left with only one entry of svchost), in a one liner.
Nothing seems to be working for me, and im not sure that ConvertFrom-StringData
is the right direction, and do not understand how it succeeds converting it to hashtable with duplicated keys.
If you are looking to get each process once but still keep reference to the IDs you can use Group-Object on ProcessName then create custom objects from that that contain what you want.
Get-Process | Group-Object ProcessName | ForEach-Object {
ProcessName = $_.Name
IDs = $_.Group.Id
} }
ProcessName IDs
----------- ---
acumbrellaagent 7288
aesm_service 17512
ApplicationFrameHost 16704
armsvc 5240
assystResetService 5232
atmgr 18984
audiodg 15216
Calculator 6128
CamMute 5616
CcmExec 5252
chrome {3348, 3848, 4196, 4416...}