I write a lib like:
struct Foo<A: AppleTrait, B: BananaTrait, C: CarrotTrait> {...}
impl<A: AppleTrait, B: BananaTrait, C: CarrotTrait> Foo<A,B,C> {...}
struct Bar<A: AppleTrait, B: BananaTrait, C: CarrotTrait> {...}
impl<A: AppleTrait, B: BananaTrait, C: CarrotTrait> Bar<A,B,C> {...}
... and many more...
Notice that, things like <A: AppleTrait, B: BananaTrait, C: CarrotTrait>
always come together, and has appeared many many times. So I want to eliminate such a burden.
Thus I hope I can do something like:
define_the_trait_alias ABCTrait = (A: AppleTrait, B: BananaTrait, C: CarrotTrait); // How to do this?
struct Foo<ABC: ABCTrait> {...}
impl<ABC: ABCTrait> Foo<ABC> {...}
Perhaps you can use associated types rather than generics. For example:
trait AbcTrait {
type Apple: AppleTrait;
type Banana: BananaTrait;
type Carrot: CarrotTrait;
struct Foo<Abc: AbcTrait> {
abc: Abc,
impl<Abc: AbcTrait> Foo<Abc> {}
struct Bar<Abc: AbcTrait> {
abc: Abc,
impl<Abc: AbcTrait> Bar<Abc> {}
When defining a concrete implementation of the trait, you get to choose which concrete type implements which associated type requested by the trait:
impl AbcTrait for Salad {
type Apple = GrannySmith;
type Banana = Cavendish;
type Carrot = LunarWhite;