I've been looking at this problem for awhile now and have draw a blank so would appreciate some help.
I'm making a simple Tetris clone using Python and Pygame. The problem is that the process of detecting completed rows sometimes adds a cloned row to the new GRID so anything effecting the original also effects the cloned row too.
here is the code for removing completed rows:
# create an empty grid
newGRID = []
fullRowsCount = 0
for row in reversed(GRID):
# count number of non-zero blocks in row
rowBlockCount = sum(col > 0 for col in row)
# if number of non-zero blocks is less than the width of grid then copy to newGRID
if rowBlockCount < GRID_SIZE.width:
# insert non-full row into newGRID
newGRID.insert(0, row)
# increment this counter in order to know number of blank rows to add to top of newGRID
fullRowsCount += 1
# if there are any full rows then they're not included in newGRID so blank rows need adding to the top
if fullRowsCount:
newGRID = [[0] * GRID_SIZE.width] * fullRowsCount + newGRID
# update GRID to the newGRID
Thank you for your time :)
The statement
newGRID = [[0] * GRID_SIZE.width] * fullRowsCount + newGRID
does not do what you expect. It creates 1 column, which is shared by all rows in the grid.
Note, the output of the following code
newGRID = [[0] * 3] * 3
newGRID[0][0] = 1
[[1, 0, 0], [1, 0, 0], [1, 0, 0]]
You have to create a new column for each row:
newGRID = [[0] * GRID_SIZE.width for _ in range(fullRowsCount + newGRID)]