This is my widget to display a little pic of myself in the app.
Widget image() {
return CircleAvatar(
radius: 50.0,
backgroundImage: AssetImage('images/me.jpeg'),
Yet, for some reason, I keep getting this
The following assertion was thrown resolving an image codec:
Unable to load asset: images/me.jpeg
When the exception was thrown, this was the stack:
#0 PlatformAssetBundle.load (package:flutter/src/services/asset_bundle.dart:225:7)
<asynchronous suspension>
#1 AssetBundleImageProvider._loadAsync (package:flutter/src/painting/image_provider.dart:668:31)
#2 AssetBundleImageProvider.load (package:flutter/src/painting/image_provider.dart:651:14)
#3 ImageProvider.resolveStreamForKey.<anonymous closure> (package:flutter/src/painting/image_provider.dart:504:13)
Image provider: AssetImage(bundle: null, name: "images/me.jpeg")
Image key: AssetBundleImageKey(bundle: PlatformAssetBundle#14309(), name: "images/me.jpeg", scale: 1.0)
Although the image is inside the folder. Please help
make sure you added the images to pubspec.yaml file and then run pub get
- images/me.jpeg