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How to do nested conditional rendering in React?

A situation I have not ran into before due to way roles/authentication work in a project I am working on. On login, the code returns whether the user is just a user or an admin and renders the appropriate components, BUT if the user is an admin, I then need to conditionally evaluate API call returns and the type of category when someone searches. The data return from the box will be rendered in a component. There are three data types: user, group, account and these category values are retrieved from state with each API call return type. (user, group, account) Have to render different layouts for each of the 3 return data payloads.

Also, conditional rendering in the JSX page might be not the appropriate way to approach this, and please feel free to suggest a completely (and hopefully more elegant) way of doing something like this?

{isAdmin &&
  {isCategory === 'user'
     <User />
  {isCategory === 'group'
     <Group />
  {isCategory === 'account'
      <Account />
{isUser &&
  <User />


  • Maybe clearer way is to create render function

    const renderAdmin = () => {
      switch(isCategory) {
        case 'user':
          return <User />
        case 'group':
          return <Group />
        case 'account':
          return <Account />
          return null;

    and then in render

        {isUser &&  <User />}
        {isAdmin && renderAdmin()}