I've got a composable on a Screen which shows a list of Track items (favourites) :
var favourites: MutableList<Track> by mutableStateOf(mutableListOf())
private fun ResultList(model: FreezerModel) {
with(model) {
if (favourites.isEmpty()) NoDataMessage("No favourites yet")
else {
LazyColumn(state = rememberLazyListState()) {
items(favourites) {
TrackCard(it, model)
On click events, I am updating my favourites list (add/remove item). How can I make my composable reflect these changes immediately (like to re-draw itself or something similar)? So far, it only works when I first switch to another screen.
Thanks for your inputs!
You need to use a MutableStateList<T>
so that Compose can automatically recompose when the state changes.
From official doc:
Caution: Using mutable objects such as
as state in Compose will cause your users to see incorrect or stale data in your app.
In your code use
val favourites = remember { mutableStateListOf<Track>()}
instead of
var favourites: MutableList<Track> by mutableStateOf(mutableListOf())