In Razor pages, you can specify an empty first item for a select
by doing something similar to this:
<select asp-for="SelectedTags" asp-items="Model.TagOptions">
<option value="">Choose a tag</option>
Is there an option for the abp-select
Tag Helper such as:
<abp-select asp-for="Mentor.RegionId" asp-items="Model.Regions">
<option value="">Choose a region</option>
It is not possible as of ABP 4.3.0, because AbpSelectTagHelperService
modifies output.Content
without calling and using the result of output.GetChildContentAsync
public override async Task ProcessAsync(TagHelperContext context, TagHelperOutput output)
var innerHtml = await GetFormInputGroupAsHtmlAsync(context, output);
if (suppress)
output.TagName = "div";
protected virtual async Task<string> GetFormInputGroupAsHtmlAsync(TagHelperContext context, TagHelperOutput output)
var selectTag = await GetSelectTagAsync(context, output);
protected virtual async Task<TagHelperOutput> GetSelectTagAsync(TagHelperContext context, TagHelperOutput output)
var selectTagHelperOutput = await selectTagHelper.ProcessAndGetOutputAsync(GetInputAttributes(context, output), context, "select", TagMode.StartTagAndEndTag);
// selectTagHelperOutput.Content.SetHtmlContent(childContent); // Missing