I want to write a batch file to run specific process, and run a command inside the process itself which runs inside the command prompt, then show results on console.
normally, I would open the CMD, type the process name/path: ggsci.exe, once it is running I run commands inside it (it actually connects to Oracle DB), for example :
How do I create a batch file does the same, this runs the process itself:
ECHO running:
cd /d d:\
How to give ggsci.exe another command ?
Another option would be running the same using PsExec.exe.
According to the Oracle Golden Gate manual :
To Input a Script
Use the following syntax from the command line of the operating system.
ggsci < input_file
Probably this will work the same way:
echo SELECT * from my.table|ggsci
You can even use variables for dynamic scripts , though you you'll have to deal with the escaping the special symbols.
Other option is to generate a temp file and then use it:
echo SELECT * from my.table >temp_file
ggsci < temp_file
del /q /f temp_file
you can even use template files and replace the content