How to extract just the number from the following dataframe.
last_run<-c('Last run 15 days ago','1st up after 126 days','Last run 21 days ago',
'Last run 22 days ago','1st up after 177 days','1st up after 364 days')%>%
The desired output is:
My attempt is:
new_df<-sapply(str_split(last_run$last_run," run"|"after"),'[',2)%>%
sapply(strsplit(last_run, " "), function(x) na.omit(as.numeric(x)))
It will parse last_run
and returns a list where each element is a character vector with sentences split in words
> strsplit(last_run, " ")
[1] "Last" "run" "15" "days" "ago"
[1] "1st" "up" "after" "126" "days"
[1] "Last" "run" "21" "days" "ago"
[1] "Last" "run" "22" "days" "ago"
[1] "1st" "up" "after" "177" "days"
[1] "1st" "up" "after" "364" "days"
It will try to convert words in numbers and returns NA
if it is not possible
> as.numeric(strsplit(last_run, " ")[[1]])
[1] NA NA 15 NA NA
It will remove NA from vectors
na.omit(as.numeric(strsplit(last_run, " ")[[1]]))[[1]]
[1] 15
returns a list, and the vector without NA is the first element of the list (that is why, you need [[1]]
applies a function on each element of a list and returns a vector