I'm using Telethon and i'm trying to implement a handler to listen events when a contact of mine joined to Telegram, but i don't find any documentation about that.
I see the docs of telethon updates events Telethon Doc - Update Events but i don't find a way to filter this specific event. Right now Telegram send a push notification when any of your contact join telegram and create a chat, so i think there should be an event that marks this
Can you help me?
Listen to events.Raw
and do a few checks on the event
object that should look like this.
import asyncio
from telethon import TelegramClient, events
from telethon.tl.types import MessageActionContactSignUp, UpdateNewMessage
client = TelegramClient('YOUR_SESSION_NAME', 'YOUR_API_ID', 'YOUR_API_HASH')
async def contact_join(event):
if isinstance(event, UpdateNewMessage) and isinstance(event.message.action, MessageActionContactSignUp):
print(event.message.from_id) #show the id of the contact joined
loop = asyncio.get_event_loop()