I am running Wordpress on Azure under PHP 7.4 and require the ability to serve files with no file extensions on my PHP site.
The url I am trying to load looks like this https://myurl.com/.well-known/acme-challenge/6uVkXzXxHHkm1d6cQiUqI07lrYspInk7i9WCKKl-RlQ
Unfortunately no matter what I seem to do I am still getting a 404 Page Not Found
error on WordPress despite the file existing on my server.
Typically in .NET applications all I need to do is add a configuration setting to the web.config like such to achieve the desired result.
<mimeMap fileExtension="." mimeType="text/html" />
I have also tried adding a custom .htaccess file with the following values.
RewriteEngine On
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-d
RewriteRule !\. - [H=text/html]
but unfortunately the error persists.
Can anyone provide any guidance on how I might be able to get this working?
So it turns out the mistake I was making was trying to place the file in a subfolder called wwwroot inside of wwwroot like you do with a .NET application.
This was a mistake on my part having come from .NET.
Upon moving the file to the actual wwwroot folder I was able to successfully resolve my issue.