I am about to create a Report in Google Data Studio based on Data copied from someone else into a Google Sheet.
This data includes the metric „cost“ („Gesamtkosten“). GDS identifies this as as text/string.
I want to transform it in GDS into number / currency to use it as a metric.
So far - so simple.
Already tried:
1.) Change Type of Data from „Text“ to „Currency“ / „Number“
2.) Changed Type of Data with CAST
CAST (Rechnungsbetrag Netto (Text) AS NUMBER)
3.) Replaced „€“ and „.“ and deleted Blancs with REPLACE and TRIM to minimize data on digits.
TRIM( REPLACE (REPLACE( Gesamtbetrag, ".",""), "€",""))
Here is a Copy of the Google Sheet with the related Colume:
Thanx for any help!
Try this in cell D2
=arrayformula( iferror( value( regexreplace(trim(C2:C); "[^-\d,]"; "") / sign(len(C2:C)) ) ) )
Format the result column as Format > Number > Currency.