I have a list like:
list = [var_1, var_2, var_3]
Using Pulp library, I'm trying to define them as variables with a for loop doing:
LpVariable(list[i] for i in range(len(list)))
Then I'm trying to sum them all and asign it to the model:
model += LpVariable(list[i] for i in range(len(list)))
In both cases I'm getting an error that says expected string or bytes-like object
Can anyone help me?
Id did not check the syntax but lpSum can sum a list of LpVariables so do you want something that looks more like
model += LpSum([LpVariable(i) for i in list])
this assumes that the elements of your list are name strings and you want to create new LpVariables.
if so, you may want to first save these new LpVariables in a list or dict so you can use them in constraints and then add them as a objective to the model
if the elements of your list are already LpVariables then you just need
model += LpSum(list)