We can set color text or foreground color text in the terminal in Python. I have gone through this SO's answer. Some of the example color code is here
class bcolors:
HEADER = '\033[95m'
OKBLUE = '\033[94m'
OKCYAN = '\033[96m'
OKGREEN = '\033[92m'
WARNING = '\033[93m'
FAIL = '\033[91m'
ENDC = '\033[0m'
BOLD = '\033[1m'
UNDERLINE = '\033[96m'
print(f"{bcolors.OKGREEN}Yes we can set any Hex color in terminal?{bcolors.ENDC}")
Everything is okay. But you may be noticed we have a few color codes to set. After the digging drive, I found some other color code source from Microsoft docs. I have two of my questions here.
BOLD = '\033[1m'
(pattern means)?ANSI escape codes allow you to do plenty of beautiful things in the terminal. You can change the color of the font, font style (bold, italic, underlined, etc...), and you can also move the cursor to overwrite previous text, to make text change dynamically.
Building codes
Basically, the codes are built like this:
where XXX
is a series of semicolon-separated parameters.
(or any of the codes specified above + [)The code containing only 0 (being \x1B[0m) will reset any style property of the font.
Most of the time, you will print a code changing the style of your terminal, then print a certain string, and then, the reset code.
Here are the codes that you can use to change the color of the font, or the color of the background.
| Color | Font code | Background code |
| Black | \x1B[30m | \x1B[40m |
| Red | \x1B[31m | \x1B[41m |
| Green | \x1B[32m | \x1B[42m |
| Yellow | \x1B[33m | \x1B[43m |
| Blue | \x1B[34m | \x1B[44m |
| Magenta | \x1B[35m | \x1B[45m |
| Cyan | \x1B[36m | \x1B[46m |
| White | \x1B[37m | \x1B[47m |
| Any palette color (with V in [0-255]) | \x1B[38;5;Vm | \x1B[48;5;Vm |
| Any RGB color (with values in [0-255]) | \x1B[38;2;R;G;Bm | \x1B[48;2;R;G;Bm |