I'm trying to create a navigation link in SwiftUI that logs in a user and navigates to the next screen.
I've tried using .simultaneousGesture as shown below, based on this solution. When I have it perform a simple action (e.g. print("hello")), the code works fine and navigates to the next page, but when I have it perform my authState.signUp function (which is async), it calls the function but doesn't navigate to the next page.
Is there a different way I should be approaching this?
NavigationLink(destination: NextView()) {
Text("Create account")
.simultaneousGesture(TapGesture().onEnded {
authState.signUp(user: user)
you can use a selection arg of navigationLink
add this var
@State var trigger: Bool? = nil
and use
NavigationLink(destination: NextView(), tag: true,
selection: $trigger ) {
when ever your other job (login) is done toggle() the trigger and navigationLink fires.