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How to import JSON file from a remote host into Ansible variable?

I am using ansible.builtin.slurp to do this. Here is the relevant part of my Ansible role:

- name: Load config
    src: "/etc/mlnx_snap/mlnx_snap.json"
  register: imported_config
- name: Debug
    var: imported_config

I expect to have debug print my file, however, something different happens. Here's the file content:

root@ratchet01-snic:~# cat /etc/mlnx_snap/mlnx_snap.json
    "ctrl": {
        "sqes": 0x6,
        "cqes": 0x4,
        "cq_period": 3,
        "cq_max_count": 6,
        "nr_io_queues": 32,
        "mn": "Mellanox BlueField NVMe SNAP Controller",
        "sn": "MNC12",
        "mdts": 4,
        "oncs": 0,
        "offload": false,
        "max_namespaces": 0,
        "quirks": 0x0
    "backends": [ {
        "type": "spdk_bdev",
        "paths": [{}]
    } ]

And here is what the debug output looks like:

Debug... ok: {
    "changed": false,
    "imported_config": {
        "changed": false,
        "content": "LyoKICogcHJ...CiAgICB9IF0KfQo=",
        "encoding": "base64",
        "failed": false,
        "source": "/etc/mlnx_snap/mlnx_snap.json"

Content is actually thousands of characters long, I just shortened it for readability.

Imagine I have a following task further in this role:

- name: Do x
    var_name: value
  when: imported_config.ctrl.quirks >= 0

How do I correctly import the JSON file so that such a task could work? What am I doing wrong?


  • The following helped get the raw text of JSON file:

    - name: Debug
        var: imported_config.content|b64decode

    To further decode it into a variable, I would need to use this:

    - name: Debug
        var: imported_config.content|b64decode|from_json

    That, however, fails for me due to invalid JSON format (it contains comments for some weird reason despite them not being allowed in JSON). But that is out of the initial scope of this question.