I'm attempting to pivot counts on dates in SSMS with a dynamic date range (previous 90 days), but my dates are out of order in the results. Is there a way to put an ORDER BY in this query? Or, does someone have a better way to pivot on a dynamic date range?
declare @cols as nvarchar(max);
declare @query as nvarchar(max);
select @cols = stuff((select distinct
',' + quotename(ColumnDate)
[Database].[Schema].[ExampleTable] as et
xml path(''), type).value('.', 'nvarchar(max)'), 1, 1, '');
select @query = 'select *
(select et.Place
[Database].[Schema].[ExampleTable] as et) as t
for ColumnDate in( ' + @cols + ')' + ') as p; ';
The dates in my results are out of order...
Place |3/25/2021 |4/19/2021 |2/21/2021 |3/22/2021 |2/14/2021 |2/11/2021
Test_Facility_1 |6 |5 |0 |2 |0 |3
Test_Facility_2 |1 |0 |0 |2 |2 |2
Test_Facility_3 |0 |1 |0 |1 |1 |2
Test_Facility_4 |124 |111 |85 |83 |95 |97
You can use ORDER BY
in your first SELECT statement between the FROM
and the FOR XML
. However, exactly which expression to use in the order by may depend on the data type of column ColumnDate
. If it is a date column, then you can just use
ORDER BY ColumnDate