I have an array of objects and I want to .map() over the array while destructuring elements. Is there a way to achive it?
I currently have:
const nav = documents.map((category, index) => {
const categoryName = category.data.category_name[0].text;
return categoryName;
I want to achieve:
const nav = documents.map((*destructure here so I get .text property*, index) => {
const categoryName = category.data.category_name[0].text;
return categoryName;
edit: please note I do need index index
You can do it as long as you only want index 0 of the category_name
arrays. You simply use array destructuring at that level to assign a variable from that index. And that variable is inside another destructured object.
documents = [{
data: {
category_name: [{
text: "Title 1"
}, {
data: {
category_name: [{
text: "Title 2"
}, {
text: "Title 3"
const nav = documents.map(({
data: {
category_name: [{
text: category_name
}, index) => {
return category_name;
As you can see, the destructuring pattern is just like the object literal, except that you replace the value you want to grab with the variable.