Right now, I'm trying to format my SCSS code with Prettier, with the rules of Stylelint. I'm having a hard time getting these two to line up.
For example, I keep getting declaration-colon-new-line
error with stylelint (which is correct) for the following scss code:
background-image: linear-gradient(45deg, transparent 50%, #263b59 50%),
linear-gradient(135deg, #263b59 50%, transparent 50%),
radial-gradient(transparent 0%, transparent 0%);
It should look like the following (or something to satisfy the rule) after being formatted with Prettier, but I cannot find the options or how to do so:
linear-gradient(45deg, transparent 50%, #263b59 50%),
linear-gradient(135deg, #263b59 50%, transparent 50%),
radial-gradient(transparent 0%, transparent 0%);
Can anyone please help me get Prettier to auto-format things with the rules of Stylelint? I'm very new to this so a little lost.
You can integrate Prettier with stylelint by turning off the conflicting stylelint rules using the stylelint-config-prettier shared config.
For example:
// .stylelintrc
"extends": [
"stylelint-config-standard" // or whatever config you're using
Prettier will then be responsible for the bulk of the formatting, and stylelint will be responsible for checking for possible errors and limiting languages features.