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Filter EF Core Navigation property on GraphQL HotChocolate

I am using HotChocolate (11.2.2) with EF Core and want to filter a sub property. According to the GraphQL docu this should be possible by using the filter keyword on the navigation property but HotChocolate just fails.

My schema:

type A {
    Name: string,
    RefTo: [B]
type B {
    TypeName: string,
    Value: int

This is backed by EF and I provide an IQueryable<A> to HotChocolate.

public IQueryable<A> GetAs([Service] Context db) => db.As.AsSingleQuery().AsNoTrackingWithIdentityResolution();

Now I want to include only those Bs where the TypeName is equal to "ExampleType" like this:

query {
   As {
      RefTo(where: { TypeName: { eq: "ExampleType" } })

But HotChcolate does not seem to understand this and says:

Unknown argument "where" on field "A.RefTo".validation

Is it possible to filter Navigation Properties with an EF Core model?


  • You would have to add filtering to RefTo too

    public ICollection<A> RefTo {get; set;}