I've a dictionary containing the below items.
- A9K-MOD80-TR
- A9K-RSP440-TR
- ASR9001-LC
- SFP-10G-SR
The above dictionary I want to match with the list below with the following logic, if "SFP-10G-SR" (or any of the other values exist) exist in any of the part_id below, then replace 'Manufacturer' with Cisco (Cisco in this case is the key in the dict PID).
ok: [localhost] => (item={'hostname': '-', 'device_id': 287, 'serial': '-', 'Name': '-', 'Manufacturer': '', 'part_id': 'ASR9001-LC'})
ok: [localhost] => (item={'hostname': '-', 'device_id': 287, 'serial': '-', 'Name': '-', 'Manufacturer': '', 'part_id': 'SFP-10G-SR'})
I've somehow managed to get it to work but it's ugly and it's in a weird format with the below code.
- name: test
new_merged_list: "{{new_merged_list}} {{ item|combine({'Manufacturer': PID|dict2items|json_query(query)}) }}"
loop: "{{ merged_list | flatten(levels=1) }}"
query: "[?contains(value, '{{item.part_id }}')].key"
- debug:
msg: "{{ new_merged_list }}"
It gives me the below output
"msg": "
{'hostname': '-', 'device_id': 287, 'serial': '-', 'Name': '-', 'Manufacturer': ['Cisco'], 'part_id': 'ASR9001-LC'}
{'hostname': '-', 'device_id': 287, 'serial': '-', 'Name': '-', 'Manufacturer': ['Cisco'], 'part_id': 'SFP-10G-SR'}
If I run a debug on the "new_merged_list" I'm getting the below message
"msg": "AnsibleUnsafeText"
What I want is to keep the above as a dictionary, could anyone assist with a better solution or maybe assist in converting this back to a dictionary? In it's current state I'm having issues working with the "new_merged_list".
Your approach is correct despite the fact that it might seem ugly and weird. Let's simplify the data, e.g.
Cisco: [A, B]
HP: [C, D]
- {Manufacturer: '', part_id: A}
- {Manufacturer: '', part_id: D}
Your code with only a few modifications
- set_fact:
new_merged_list: "{{ new_merged_list|default([]) +
[item|combine({'Manufacturer': manufacturer})] }}"
loop: "{{ merged_list }}"
_dict: "{{ PID|dict2items }}"
query: "[?contains(value, '{{ item.part_id }}')].key"
manufacturer: "{{ _dict|json_query(query)|first }}"
gives the new list
- Manufacturer: Cisco
part_id: A
- Manufacturer: HP
part_id: D