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Sprig "Load more" not loading over https

I've recently added an SSL to the site I'm working on, and it seems to have broken my "load more" buttons via sprig. When I click the button now, I get

Blocked loading mixed active content “”


Cross-Origin Request Blocked: The Same Origin Policy disallows reading the remote resource at (Reason: CORS request did not succeed).

errors in my console. I've noticed that the cross origin error is trying to load stuff over https but the mixed active content error is trying to load over http.

How can I get this working again over https?

Here's my sprig code if you need it:

{{ sprig('_layouts/_blog/_loadMore', {'limit': 6}) }}
{{ sprig.script }}
{% set offset = offset ?? 0 %}

{% set entryQuery = craft.entries.section('diggingDeeper').offset(offset).limit(limit) %}
{% set entries = entryQuery.all() %}

{% for entry in entries %}

    ----Entry Stuff----

{% endfor %}

{% if entryQuery.count() > offset + entries|length %}
  <button class="orange-button" sprig s-val:offset="{{ offset + limit }}" 
    s-target="this" s-swap="outerHTML">
    <p>Load More</p>
{% endif %}

Edit: Added the full errors


  • Got it figured out, full answer HERE. Long story short, there were two problems.

    1. In my .htaccess file, I was forcing the removal of www from my domain. That code was calling up http instead of https. Adding the "s" resolved one of the errors.
    2. Even though I was forcing the removal of www in my .htaccess file, my root domain was still using www, which caused an error. So removing www from my root domain fixed the second error.