In Liquibase SQL syntax, is it possible to check if a column doesn't already exist?
I have seen that theres a columnExists
precondition, but couldn't find the opposite of it.
--changeset me:1 runAlways:false runOnChange:false failOnError:true
--precondition-column-exists tableName:my_table columnName:my_col
You can do something as below:
--changeset me:1 runAlways:false runOnChange:false failOnError:true
--precondition-sql-check expectedResult:0 SELECT COUNT(*) from information_schema.columns where column_name='COL' and table_name='TABLE'
The above precondition will check if there exists column COL
in table TABLE
, if the count returned is 0 ( which means the column doesn't exists) then the INSERT COLUMN query will be executed.
At the moment only the "SQL check" precondition is supported in "formatted SQL" changelogs. Have a look at liquibase docs.
Preconditions can be specified for each changeset. Currently, only the SQL check precondition is supported.
--preconditions onFail:HALT onError:HALT --precondition-sql-check expectedResult:0 SELECT COUNT(*) FROM my_table ```