I've created a TThreadPoolAsyncServer
witch is working correctly.
_server = new TThreadPoolAsyncServer(
processorFactory: new TSingletonProcessorFactory( processor ),
serverTransport: serverSocket,
inputTransportFactory: new TFramedTransport.Factory(),
outputTransportFactory: new TFramedTransport.Factory(),
inputProtocolFactory: new TBinaryProtocol.Factory(),
outputProtocolFactory: new TBinaryProtocol.Factory(),
threadConfig: new TThreadPoolAsyncServer.Configuration(),
logger: _logger );
But when I trigger the cancelationtoken from _server.ServeAsync( cancellationtoken );
, the task does not complete.
When I use the _server.Stop();
function the server eventually stops but the server also logs some not so nice looking errors:
Thrift.Transport.TTransportException: System.ObjectDisposedException: Cannot access a disposed
What is the intended way to stop the TThreadPoolAsyncServer
For anyone else who stumbles upon this, this will be fixed in version 15. https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/THRIFT-5398