I have a boolean variable:
is_conected = False
And I have this part of code:
def start(self, host='localhost', port=32767):
self.__connection.bind((host, port))
def send_frame(self, frame: str):
if not self.__connection.send(bytes(frame, encoding='utf-8')):
raise RuntimeError("Connection broken.")
def recieve_frame(self) -> str:
socket, adress = self.__connection.accept()
str(__data) = socket.recv(1024)
Where I need to put If... Else, for checking, if someone connected or not? And what kind of condition I need to use?
The whole code:
import socket
class TCPServer():
__frame_buffer = list()
__connection = None
is_conected = True
def __new__(cls):
if not hasattr(cls, 'instance'):
cls.instance = super(TCPServer, cls).__new__(cls)
return cls.instance
def __init__(self):
self.__connection = socket.socket(
socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
def start(self, host='localhost', port=32767):
# """ Start server """
self.__connection.bind((host, port))
def send_frame(self, frame: str):
# """ Send frame """
if not self.__connection.send(bytes(frame, encoding='utf-8')):
raise RuntimeError("Connection broken.")
def recieve_frame(self) -> str:
socket, adress = self.__connection.accept()
str(__data) = socket.recv(1024)
def get_frame(self) -> str:
if self.__frame_buffer:
server = TCPServer()
while True:
if server.is_conected:
server.send_frame(str(input("String to send")))
That's the whole code. I don't write a more part of it, only a send and recieve frame function. So, that's kinda a school project for me and I'm not too good in working with any kind of connection or protocols
This is how the server generally works
with socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM) as s:
s.bind((HOST, PORT))
s.listen() # Start listening
while True:
conn, addr = s.accept() # Accept connection request
Connected = True # You are connected
#Work with connection
Connected = False
Figure out how you can do this with your code